Within last week we took a grand total of 36 exposures on our cameras. Below is my my first attempts of editing those photos on GIMP.
With this photo that I took of the basement stairs at the renaissance building, I began by turning the photo into black and white, then played around with the curves feature until I liked the result. I then began burning and dodging areas that I saw fit. unfortunately I feel I became heavy handed and did not like the result.
Nicely done. I particularly like the composition of the staircase photo. Asymmetry, when done well, is always eye-catching. Be careful, however. It looks like you did some dodging of the handrail which bled over onto the wall, making the dodging too obvious and not natural looking. You also have areas of overlap with your burning and dodging in the log cabin photo. We shouldn't be able to look at a photo and be able to spot where burning and dodging have happened. Use burning and dodging sparingly and purposefully.