Series Title: I am a Woman When coming up with a series, I toyed with several concepts that where great. I ended up choosing this one based simply on the fact that I had more than enough models. In the end this has become a very loved series that I am very proud of, so let me introduce you. This series is titled "I am a Woman". The theme and concept of these photographs was to show women in such a way that you perceive them as innocent. Then each of these women where told to bring their self defense weapon and hold it for the photograph. Initially, I wanted to display these weapons as the center of the photographs, but I figured out very soon that the girls are the real stars here. Either way, these photos where meant to show the view of a predator, as most of them view women as weak, innocent, or Etc. I chose to take these photos to display the need for weapons amongst us women as we are viewed in this way, and are easily targeted. I conceptualized this ...